
Looking for a replacement belt buckle set to repair your beloved personal belt? No problem! The Leather Belts Online store is your rescue ranger. We provide you with a wide range of trendy, brand-new, and absolutely original leather belt connect patches if your belt accessory is split or frayed. Crafted out of genuine eco-friendly raw materials in simple yet stylish designs, these small devices are sure to add a sophisticated, finished look to the whole strap.

Potentially, the leather belt connect patch is always worn off frequently on the belt. However, replacing such detail is the easiest way from all possible belt repair options. It is convenient and easy to install. You can do a minimum set of tools, for example, to swap out the removable belt buckle on the leather belt mount by using a screwdriver.

Our web store offers customers branded connect patches with belt buckles that include Chicago screws and belt loops in a kit. Using these small yet essential devices, you can not only repair your favorite accessory for pants or jeans but build a DIY leather belt and ultimately give a jazzed-up look to your attire with an upgraded version of a leather belt. Scroll up and tap on what fits you best.